Durch die technischen Optionen des autonomen Betriebs stellen diese Geräte eine ganz neuartige Klasse von fliegenden Betriebssystemen dar, mit denen die gesamte Rettungskette signifikant verbessert werden wird durch drastisch verkürzte Response-Intervalle, Patiententransportzeiten, optimierte Logistik, telemedizinische Applikationen usw. Die elektrisch betriebenen Senkrechtstartersysteme („electric vertical take-off and landing“, eVTOL) werden das gesamte Feld der Notfallversorgung sowohl auf dem Land als auch in der Stadt revolutionieren. ohne physischen Kontakt zu Menschen und damit ohne Infektionsrisiko in wesentliche kürzerer Zeit im Vergleich zu bodengebundenen Systemen transportieren. automatisierte externe Defibrillatoren, Ulmer Trauma-Box usw.), Medikamente, Blut u.

Diese neuartigen AAM können beispielsweise medizinisches Gerät (z. B.

In der jüngsten Vergangenheit wurde nun durch die Neuentwicklung der „advanced air mobility“ (AAM) eine ganze Reihe von neuen technischen Entwicklungen angestoßen, die disruptive Änderungen im Bereich der Notfallmedizin allgemein und Unfallchirurgie im Besonderen haben wird. Hence, this article aims to provide a tentative overview of these new exciting technological developments in the field of trauma surgery for the benefit of our patients.ĭie Unfallchirurgie wurde schon immer ganz entscheidend durch technologische Entwicklungen vorangetrieben. With these new, flying operation systems, the whole rescue chain will be completely revolutionized by much faster response intervals, patient transportation times, telemedical applications, optimized emergency medical services, laboratory transportation etc. These eVTOLs are not only new aircraft but, thanks to the autonomous flying options, they are flying computers with novel technological opportunities on board. Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) devices add new horizons for healthcare thanks to the smallest take-off and landing areas. These innovative flying systems have major implications for all of the various healthcare stages in trauma surgery: Unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, can deliver critical supplies on demand, just in time, without physical contact, within the “last mile delivery” concept, such as AEDs, critical medication, blood for transfusion etc. The recent appearance of “advanced air mobility” (AAM) represents one of the next steps in these technological developments. Matternet will also be helping support a citywide drone network in Abu Dhabi for their Department of Health.Trauma surgery has always been driven forward by innovative technological advancements.

They estimate this centralized hub and spoke model improved productivity of their pharmacy by as much as 30%. Stateside, UPS Flight Forward has been working in North Carolina with the Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist system to centralize and distribute their COVID vaccine supply. Zipline, in partnership with several other public health giants like GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have been using drones in Ghana to deliver vaccines, blood, COVID testing samples and other critical supplies on-demand to hospitals that normally would be hard to reach or, in the case of vaccines, not have adequate storage. Cold Chain for Vaccines: Vaccines often need to be transported at stable, very cold, temperatures – which can prove difficult in regions with limited healthcare infrastructure.The flavors are slightly different – the CVS and Magellan partnerships are working on prescription medication deliveries while Walgreens currently is focused on over-the-counter products – but the message is the same: create access that is safe, convenient and fast.

CVS (UPS Flight Forward), Walgreens (Wing) and Magellan Health (Zipline) all have partnerships aimed at bringing healthcare goods directly to consumers.